Cat themed soft furnishings

All lovers of cats have a little tribute to them somewhere within their homes. It cannot be helped. They are often drawn to a little cushion with a cute picture of a kitten on it, and how many of us have been bought cat themed gifts as presents? A mug, an ornament, very soon your home can be filled with quite a lot of cat items.
Why this happens?
You rescue a cat because you know you can give it a loving home, and this is when it begins. People within your friends and family social circle see your affection for this little furry four legged friend and they realise they now have great ideas for gifts, not just for christmas and birthday presents, but also trinkets from holidays or simply ‘I saw this and thought of you’ presents. You now have fridge magnets with cute cats on, flower pots in the shape of a feline and you are drinking your tea from a mug with an image of a cat that looks like your little baby!
Go with the flow
We also do it to ourselves. We see a fluffy rug, and while it may not have images of cats on it, we know it is soft and cosy and our little ones will love to lounge in front of the fire on it. So we buy it. Our homes become mini shrines to our pets, even down to the wallpaper. When you are choosing your next wallpaper is a great place to start. You can even get wallpaper now with little kitty images on. This can be great for a childs room, or even as a feature on a chimney breast wall in the living room. If it feels right, and you know it will make you happy then go with it.
Wall art
Cat wall art is everywhere. From discount stores to art galleries, you can get fantastic cat themed wall art to suit all budgets. If you have ever holidayed in places like Spain or Greece, you will know you can get postcards with cats on. You can buy some while you are there, bring them home and frame them. You can make a feature of them by putting them all on one wall, or dot individual ones around the home. You can even put them on the wall where you have the kitty themed wallpaper.
The great thing about choosing your wallpaper from is that they are so affordable. Every person who has ever owned a cat knows that try as you might, you cannot stop them from having a little scratch at the wall. If they take a liking to a certain area of the home you might find small shredded pieces of wallpaper on the floor and little scratch marks on the wall. replacing or patching the area is simple when the paper is so affordable.